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THE AGENCY! -travel and more-

Peter Nowak

Vorgartenstraße 171/4/3

1020 Wien


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+43 664 4178320


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Peters Naschmarkt Walks

Dive with us into the "stomach of Vienna"! Within approx. 2 hours you hear (and learn) much about the Naschmarkt: it's offers, stories, history...You will try oriental spices and herbs, typical turkish specials, juices, vinegars and much mor (depending on the season). We will tell you useful hints about food science - and maybe we reveal some of our "secret" recipies


Tours daily Wednesday - Friday 09:30 a.m. (exept Austrian bank holidays)

Costs:   € 33,00 per person (incl. 20% VAT) - little souvenir included

Bookings: please use order form below or directly at office@theagency.at

Start: in front of the main exit of the undergroud station "Kettenbrückengasse" (line U4)

Booing in advance elementary: office@theagency.at